22 June 2010


My first footy game in Australia!! GOOOO Roosters!!

View of Sydney Harbour at sunset from my office. Crappy photo, I know, but what can you expect from a disposable!? Digital camera coming soon...

I've finished uni. That's it--no more! A few weeks ago, I completed my final assessment--a take home exam amounting to 2,000 words on contemporary media forms (yes, writing about it is just about as boring as reading about it). It's a funny thing; upon clicking the "submit" button for the very last time, on the Blackboard site where my fellow masters students and I have been dutifully turning in all of our assignments , I felt something unexpected. Of course, the sheer joy of having completed my masters degree was imminent, and I sat there, alone on the eighth floor of a giant office building in Sydney CBD circa 8:30 pm, grinning like an idiot.

For the first time in over a decade, I had no future papers to write, nor readings to complete, nor projects to carry out. This wasn't just a long weekend, spring break or summer vacation. There was no next month, next term or next yaer. This was it.

But then, instead of feeling the cliche "weight off my shoulders" feeling that I had expected to feel--light, airy and free to wake up, go to work, go home and go to sleep without another care in the world, I felt something else. There was a weight, alright, but it wasn't going anywhere. Instead, it shifted from my shoulders down to my back, and it began to push.

It pushed, and it pushed, and it hasn't stopped pushing for weeks. In fact, I'm fairly certain that this weight is hundreds upon hundreds of kilos, and that it's not going anywhere for a long while. Funnily, it doesn't hurt at all. In fact, it feels fantastic!

There are sooo many things that I have been wanting to do, and now is my big chance. It's my chance to do it all, and I'm going to. I'm going to do everything that I always wanted, and I'm going to do it all well.

I'm GOING to kick ass at my new job. I'm GOING to get sponsored. I'm GOING to be a regional coordinator for Yamaha, and one day I'm GOING to be a head teacher. I'm GOING to run a marathon in December. I'm GOING to write a book. I'm GOING to get back into playing (Brahms, Schubert and Mozart, to be exact) and I'm GOING to sing more often. I'm GOING to do all of these things, because I can!

The weight is strong, but steady. Since the moment I clicked that submit button, my motivation level has been non-stop 160%. I've been at the office at 7 am, leaving at 7 pm. Up at 5 on Saturdays, in the classroom by 7 to prepare for my first lesson at 9. Running. Working. Learning. Teaching. Smiling.

Also, my sports professor advised that after a few additions to my feature (more interviews and a couple of small changes) he is confident that I can sell it and is happy to help me pitch it. Sydney Morning Herald, watch out!

Also, pending a few grades, I will most likely be graduating with a high distinction average.

Also, I don't think I've ever been happier in my entire life!

World, watch out...

03 June 2010

I'm a Journo...a real, live journo!!

Hey everyone, come see how cool I am!!!


Hopefully as you read this, you will see the article on the left hand side (titled "Injuries in the NRL") written by yours truly :)

If, by the time you are reading this, some other, less awesome article is on the left hand side, you can find it here.

OK, so it's quite possible that I'm all giddy and excited over nothing. After all, literally anyone with access to the internet can be a "journalist" these days, so who I am really kidding? Yet here I am, feeling pretttttty damn good about myself! I also submitted it to the Rugby League Review, annnnd I've been told that it's going to appear in the July issue. Score!!! (no pun intended)