01 January 2010

A brilliant beginning to 2010

View from Dover Heights Reserve Park. Note opera house. Note Sydney Bridge. (This was taken with an i-phone so it was actually much closer.) Note perfection!!

Fireworks on NYE over Sydney harbour!

On December 31, 2009, for the last few hours of the decade, I worked. It was actually a lot of fun. There was an event at Dover Heights Park Reserve, just north of Bondi. The view from the field was absolutely FANTASTIC. You could clearly see the bridge and opera house-much better than is visible above. The event was sold out (over 2,000) but they ended up selling more tickets about an hour into it. A family friendly event, there was face painting, rides, music, dancing and food. No BYO was permitted (bring your own, this phenomenal Australian custom where you bring your own alcohol to restaurants) though many drunks attempted. The fireworks happened twice, once at 9 and once at midnight. I worked 3:30-12, and counting down the last seconds of 2009 by myself in a foreign country completely sober wearing black pants and a black polo shirt surrounded by drunk strangers was actually...great. The fireworks at midnight were fantastic. The weather wasn't too hot nor too cold, and though earlier clouds promised rain not a drop fell from the sky. My job was ridiculously easy, and I had a yak with the other girls and the security guards. I took a bus home around 12:30 and went to bed relatively soon after getting home. HAPPY 2010!!!!

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