06 December 2009

The Worst Photographer :(

My first BENDY BUS!! On the ride home from work Friday

A picture's worth a thousand words...meaning, unfortunately, that I'll just have to give you 1,000 words. I've been terrible about taking pictures this past week (with the exception of the above photo-lame, I know), but I'm resolving to take more this week!

Things have been fairy uneventful since my spell of bad luck. Thursday, work. Friday, work. Applying for jobs during the day, hoping and hoping that I get a call soon. Friday night was a quiet one at home reading. I finished Updike a while ago and have also torn through The Old Man and the Sea. I'm currently tackling The Optimist's Daughter, another book among the Pulitzer Prize for fiction winners. Before I die, I WILL read the entire list!

Yesterday, Saturday, I had work all day again. Then I headed to Darlinghurst for a friend's birthday party. Today, Sunday, was relaxing again. A beautiful day! Not looking forward to work this week, but hoping that things will turn up soon :)

A bit short of 1,000 words, but there's really nothing more to say. This weekend I'm going on a CRUISE for the weekend with Marty! One of his mates is turning 30 and his wife arranged a cruise weekend. Next Monday I'm in Melbourne again, this time for three days (!!) for Yamaha seminars. I've been practicing heaps, singing with karaoke versions of the songs, playing and singing, memorizing body motions as well as solfege arrangements. When the time comes, I'll be ready to kick some Yamaha ass :)

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