14 October 2009

A Premature Celebration

This arvo--after a long and fierce battle with file sizes, compression and uploading issues (I won, eventually)--I turned in my Media Production Project. 2 more assessments to go until summer!

Media Production Journal + Essay (30%)= 21 Oct
Feature Article (40%) = 30 Oct

Marty took me out to dinner at a Bondi restaurant called Hurricanes, where we both had awesome ribs. I need to start getting in the obsessive-photo-taking habit; there was most definitely a moment when I had bbq sauce all over my face and fingers and as I was reaching for my wine glass, Marty just looked at me and laughed. Opportune photo op, but to be fair, neither of us were exactly in ideal situations to be handling expensive digital cameras or even phones.

Summer is just around the corner; I can feel it...just get here already!!

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