25 October 2009


Hilltop Hoods on Friday was good. Mark and Nikki and myself went to Marty's around 7, we headed out around 9, the show was from 10-11ish and we hit up the CBH afterwards. Saturday I did a bit of cleaning and organising, and relaxed with my book. The sun was not keen on showing itself. Saturday night I met some uni friends and a ton of Marty's friends at the Clovelly Hotel for a feed and some drinks; we ended up at the Coog again until about 2, went to see the boss (best kebab in Australia) and called it a night. This morning (Sunday), I was up early to head to Marty's boss' house, where I met his wife and four (adorable) kids--one of whom I gave a piano lesson to--while he and Marty went for a round of golf. As soon as they arrived at the course, however, it started chucking down rain and they decided not to stick it out. I had a great time with the kids, though--the oldest one has talent at the piano and the 3 year old and I had a brilliant time making play-dough pancakes and pizzas. Lots of them. Marty and I met about ten of his friends for lunch in Parrametta at 1:30, where I experienced Yuncha for the first time. It was pretty good; I liked the dumplings and there was a bit of crab. I tried to avoid the prawns (allergic reaction) but something must have snuck its way into my mouth because I had terribly itchy eyes for the rest of the arvo. We had a drink on the balcony, then headed back to the eastern suburbs. It was miserable all day; grey skies and on-and-off rain. The rest of my day was fairly uneventful; I'm tired after a long (but good) weekend. Good night!

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