14 November 2009

BEST DAY EVER!! (and Friday the 13th)

THE HIGHLIGHT OF MY WEEK!!! footprint ghosts, hand-trees, blue and maize bracelet, pumpkin, hand-written letter...!!!

North Sydney, on the bus back to the city

Crossing the Sydney Harbour Bridge (on the bus to the city)

Today was a FANTASTIC DAY!!! SO many things to be grateful for today. Friday the 13th is nonsense. I started the day off hang-over free, which was a relief as I hadn't drank in a few weeks. I went for a run, just to be safe, and it was an absolutely beautiful day out. 77 and sunny, with a slight breeze. PERFECT!! Home, shower, get ready, and out the door to my interview with 2mbs FM, a classical music radio station that I'd like to volunteer for. HOWEVER, before my day could get better, it got better. I checked the mail on my way to the bus, and found the above. THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY!! Letters and pictures and bracelets from my favorite kids in the world, the Cattells. Sara Grace, the oldest, was my piano student--and a great one at that. Not to brag, but she is pretty much a mini-me. Playing Fur Elise at age 6, DYING to play F# scales, hands together 2 octaves--?!?!?! And they are THEE most adorable set of children in the world. I wish I had photos to post of them. Anyway, so I was just FLOATING on air on the way to the city, and then..I got a phone call from a producer at THE ABC who wants me to start WORKING FOR THEM IMMEDIATELY!! Ahhh!! The ABC is Australia's national station (radio and TV) and I never in my wildest dreams imagined that I could get an internship with them. But, low and behold, Susan is ready to start as soon as insurance details (nonsense) gets worked out from uni. I have to figure out what I'm doing with my summer, though. As awesome as working for the ABC would be, it would be non-paid 2-3 days a week. I need to work, and I need money, and I need it in a bad kind of way :( I'm going to have to sit down and figure this one out.

Anyway, my day continued to be brilliant at the radio station interview, where the Volunteer Coordinator is keen to have me PROGRAMMING for them straight away! She gave me informational sheets, and I can start anytime I want. I just put together a program, send it in, and once it gets approved I will be "inducted" into the music library. Then I have unlimited access to all the classical music I can dream of (!!) all from my computer at home! This is brilliant because I could work from home. I'm also on the waiting list to be a presenter, but Sue told me that probably wouldn't happen until February or March.

Later that night, I worked on transcribing my interview. Then Mark, Nicole Marty and I went to see Mark and Nikki's new apartment in Maroubra, and then to the CBH for beers and dancing. Lots of dancing! It was a fantastic way to end a fantastic day. This American in Oz is one happy girl :)

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