09 November 2009

Birthday Weekend Part 4

This morning I practiced and read, and practiced and read. Life is tough. I worked 3-7 at Infinity, and Marty surprised me with THEE most fantastic dinner I've eaten in a very, very long time. CRABCAKES!! Maryland crabcakes, to be exact (my favorite food in the world), from a restaurant in Northern Sydney. They were ABSOLUTELY delicious. I'm quite upset with myself because I forgot to get a photo of the meal he prepared for me. He made baked potatoes, corn and carrots, and a salad--in addition to the crab cake. It was bloody brilliant, and I couldn't have asked for a more perfect meal. Wait--it gets better. Double coated tim tams for dessert!!! Ahhhhh!!! After tomorrow: NO MORE EATING FOR MARIAH!!

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