15 November 2009

Subway Saturday

Today was another lovely day. I woke up fairly early and worked on my writing. My feature article on two-up is just about done! I couldn't stand being inside on such a beautiful day, so I headed over to Coogee and worked from the Palace (free interet!) which took me back to my glory-days of study abroad, March-June 2009. Back when I had no internet, and went to the Palace to do "work" and catch up on "emails" but usually (after being Internet deprived for days..gasp!) ended up on facebook chat and drinking beers with boys after a few hours time. I worked on my article, and made major headway. Maybe it was something about being so close to the ocean, so near the beach and the sun..but my creative juices were just flowing! I met up with Rob and we had lunch at Subway a few metres away from the palace, to harass Chris, who was working. He complains about how busy it gets on nice beach days, but as you can see, he really shouldn't. Girls in bikinis who are parched and hungry and half naked stroll into Subway, tanned and moist with sunscreen, and who better to greet them but an intriguing, single young American boy? He should count his blessings!

Then I called home, and it was..ahh...can't even describe it. By call home I mean I called my friends, who I knew were all together at that time (Friday night in Ann Arbor). B had flown in from Pittsburgh, and together with three of my other friends had re-created the old crew. They didn't know I was going to call; in fact, I'm not sure they knew that I COULD call, and they all freaked out. It was sooo great to hear everybody, and I was pretty much near tears by the end of the conversation. It made me extremely homesick. Not cool! I miss my friends like crazy, and though I've been here for almost nine months, I still have almost another year to go. I can do it!!

By the time I got home it was after 3 pm, and I did more writing and editing and editing and writing. I had a quiet Saturday night, watching Blow and just relaxing with my laptop. Tomorrow, final edits to my feature will be made for submission on Monday!

Cheers xoxo

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