27 November 2009

Christmas in the Air

Today work wasn't so bad. It was pretty good, actually. Boss man was still a jerkface, and Melissa isn't going to come in anymore, but things aren't so bad as I'm getting better at this whole sales thing. It was 88, sunny and beautiful in Sydney today! There was a fantastic Christmas tree up at Martin Place (above) so on the way home from work I was really feeling the Christmas spirit. I'm spending a quiet one at home tonight, as I have work at 10 am tomorrow and have to get up at 7. Public transport takes sooo long! I can't wait until I save up enough for a car. I can wait, however, for the process of me getting used to driving on the left side of the road. Hopefully I manage to stay safe and not hit anything/one!

This morning, I got a call from Integrated, a recruitment company. They want me to come in on Monday morning to register! It's harder than you might think to get registered at one of these companies, and they'll offer me temp work--hopefully a full-time three month position, ideally :)

More tomorrow...g'night!

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